装果冻的小书包:很喜欢这种义无反顾的无厘头精神,里面no luck 4 girls是否是委婉地说we're gay!这里是好莱坞,u never know~,笑点分布不错,但不是每个笑点都很劲,貌似二十年后的今天马上就要出第二部了,期待会更好啊~~
长安苏大公子:又名《脱了扒下岳内猛然进去少年阿宾》,全程靠 Hoult 的脸在撑,大量柔焦特写加上从头到尾白色版山本耀司风格的衣服简直让他帅上新高度。
星辰07:屎尿屁喜剧.....呃 总之 不是很喜欢/1.这狗狗车子萌炸了2.光她就值了这趟旅程
猫熊阿姐: much appreciated satire, hilarious and thought-provoking, recommended by Mark Fisher in his essay "Capitalist Realism". Mike Judge, the director & writer of the original animated material, makes an accurate depiction of daily life at work in a service-oriented corporation. The obsession with layoffs, the quotidian harassing by the boss, the absurdity of bureaucratic demands, the boot-licking of the submissive faction VS the fear and hopelessness of the rest, and even the most mundane details (esp. the constantly defective copy-machine) hit home. Much material indeed for social commentary. The most striking is the tyrannical order of EXPRESSING YOURSELF, a revelatory contradiction.